@article{oai:tmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012628, author = {Maeda, Tomoko and Kashiwagi, Yasuyo and Kawashima, Hisashi and 前田, 朋子 and 柏木, 保代 and KASHIWAGI, Yasuyo and 河島, 尚志 and KAWASHIMA, Hisashi}, issue = {3}, journal = {東京医科大学雑誌, The Journal of Tokyo Medical University}, month = {Jul}, pages = {210--216}, title = {Levels of Interleukin-33 and other cytokines in nasal fluid in patients with respiratory syncytial virus infections}, volume = {77}, year = {2019}, yomi = {マエダ, トモコ and カシワギ, ヤスヨ and カワシマ, ヒサシ} }